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A brussels based architecture editor bewitched by the capacity of built matter  to mark both, physical spaces and territories of memory. With a main focus around  themes such as  time, permanence and corporeality in architecture. Paper Menhirs is interested in the making of the book, in the  traces left by the process and in the value of archives.

 [...] "the book will kill the building"  [...]* Paper was depicted by Victor Hugo in Notre Dame de Paris as the killer of Architecture. In his "Ceci tuera cela" disgression, Hugo explains that the perennity and steadiness of buildings, on which humanity have relied during millennials, have been slowly replaced by the ubiquity of print. Architecture had been disposessed of its artistic monopoly.

This screen will kill the Paper and the Menhir. Things have changed now,  buildings and books are now both foes of the ethereal digital world. Their differences are now blurred by their capacity of physicality against the invisible cybernetic matter. 
Paper Menhirs  appears as a ballroom of analog, where editorial projects of paper and stone are invited to perpetuate their danced duet of death.

If you are interested in dancing  with stones or acquiring a specific book, if you wish to submit a project to the editing team or if you are looking to collaborate with Paper Menhirs, please send an email to this
address or fill the following form.


Paper Menhirs works in english, spanish, french and german.


© 2023 paper menhirs

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